Frontside Bottom Turn
Posted by Admin |Feburary 09, 2013
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Frontside Bottom Turn
Every time you do a maneuver in the surf, you'll do a Bottom Turn. Hence nailing this and getting it right is really important. Once you have perfected the Bottom Turn it will ultimately improve your overall surfing performance, so take the time to get this one right.
The Bottom Turn can be done frontside or backside. Here, we are focusing on how to do a Frontside Bottom Turn.
In order to achieve a smooth turn at the bottom of the wave you need to have the following:
* Maximum speed* The right timing
* The correct weight distribution- so you can keep riding at maximum speed without falling off
Performing a Frontside Bottom Turn:
1. Firstly you need to paddle out and catch a wave.2. Once you're on your feet, ride down the face of the wave getting as much speed as you can.
3. Once you reach the flats (the bottom section of the wave), lean forward with your knees bent. Don't lean too much because this may cause you to fall off. Keep all of the pressure on the inside rail as you increase the pressure on your rear foot.
4. Shift your weight to your rear foot and extend your legs a bit after the turn.
Like any surfing maneuver, it takes practice. But once you master this one, you'll be able to go on to other, more complicated tricks in the surf. Be patient and remember with this one it's all about speed and being able to shift your weight at the right time.
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"Pure and righteous desire result in deep tube rides; one tube ride has the equivalent benefit as a lifetime of devoted meditation."
- Unknown
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