Backside Floater
Posted by Admin |Feburary 10, 2013
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Backside Floater
A Floater, both frontside or backside can be performed to finish a ride when a wave is closing out.
The main steps to remember when performing a Floater are: Entering and then floating on the lip, and landing. Once you've mastered the Frontside Floater, you can take your skill to the next level by perfecting the Backside Floater.
Here we will go through the steps on how to do the backside version of this maneuver:
1. Perform a Backside Bottom Turn in the middle of the wave, at an angle.2. As you ride up the face of the wave attempt to gain as much speed as possible and direct your surfboard towards the lip.
3. Shift your weight from your heel side to toe side once you've reached the lip.
4. Come off the lip ensuring that your knees are bent to so that you are able to safely absorb the impact of landing on the flats.
The most important things to remember when performing a Backside Floater is to make sure you perform a solid Bottom Turn and always generate as much speed as you can when you are riding the face of the wave. Once you are riding the lip and your speed decreases, make sure you prepare for landing and re-enter the face of the wave.
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